Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I know what you did last summer

  This show was predictable, not scary, was slow to start this July, and the main characters were familiar, though no big stars. Actually people are saying that the caplin this year are noticeably smaller than normal. Most caught, and washed up on the beach were from 4-6 inches long. Hmmm, that could be scary.. In any event, the annual rolling of the caplin drew crowds to the tight and narrow winding roads around Middle Cove. The big stars of the show were no-shows, however, they still may make surprise appearances as the humpbacks of, well, just humpback whales. They chase the tasty silver morsels to coves like this for the ambush and feast upon their free range protein, and to keep their circulation healthy, fish oil.


Anonymous said...

I think it's terrible. The needless, inhumane slaughter of helpless caplin!

Table Mountains said...

that's a great shot of middle cove beach from top of the hill. you can see the crowds.

the capelin did not land near my community this year.

Charlie said...

Caplin came late to this particular cove too this year, maybe they're still on their way to your community .. stubborn buggers.

Susan English Mason said...

Wales feeding on defenseless caplins. What is this world coming to? Travesty I say.

Charlie said...

I agree Pouty, the whales are monsters!;) Save the caplin!