Monday, April 20, 2009

Poor Timing, Taste and Press for Helicoptor Book

Competition, timing and opportunism, all business virtues. When John Lennon was tragically slain on Dec. 8, 1980, a thin pictorial book called "Lennon Remembered" was on shelves within a week. Public figures like entertainers are in public eye and have to develop a thick skin as they are the news, whether it's true or not, or hurtful. However, survivors like Lennon's widow have not necessarily habituated to media's splattering of the tradegy. But it seems that getting by in this world means ignoring another's feelings.

Author Tom Badcock of DRC Publishing, is defending his book on the recent disaster.

Badcock said he was motivated to write the book before an out-of-province outfit did something similar. (CBC)

Some, including one insulting commenter at CBC's coverage of the story, thinks that the helicopter tragedy book is just a business opportunity, and spews "no wonder newfies are always broke". His comment did not reflect well on business ethics, yet perhaps, just reinforced what it can be. Every other comment considered the idea of a book on the crash in such a short time, to be disgusting.

It will take months before a report on the crash is produced. The public has been tuning in to every shred of information that was covered extensively by various media, and are informed as Mr. Badcock probably is. At this point, what is the point? Whether a book was published by an NL native or by an out of province publisher, it is not good timing or taste at this time. It's also a sad statement about life when it is considered a "success" (in business) to out-compete someone in producing a book just after a fresh trauma that people are still trying to heal from.

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